Junior , Prep and Senior Schools
Minimum passing marks 50% in all subjects for all classes.
The student failing in any two subjects, with English as compulsory subject, shall be detained in the same class.Students Failing in any two subjects would be promoted provided the marks in those subjects are not below 35%.
However, if the student fails in English, minimum 40% marks would be required for promotion. This concession will not be applicable if a student fails in more than to subjects.
H 1
Student qualifying in three major subjects shall be promoted to H2.
Pre-Board S2/S3
The admission of the student failing in any two subjects may be withheld unless he/she secures minimum 40% in each of those subjects.
For C3, the entry of a student who does not pass in at least six subjects, including English, shall not be sent as a regular candidate.
For H2, the entry of a student, who does not pass in at least three major subjects, shall only be sent for those subjects that the student clears in the send-up exams.
In case 11 and 12 the admission, to Board, of a candidate, failing in any subject shall be withheld. However, the admission would be sent as a regular student provided the marks in those subjects are not below 40%. This concession will not be applicable if a student fails in more than two subjects
Relaxation in the above rules will be considered on case to case basis.